There’s still plenty of time to enter our sister event, the 4th annual “Run Rudolph Run” 5K Run/Walk. We take off at 9 am on Saturday the 8th (the morning of the Santa Crawl), just four days from now. We accept walk up entries, so if you wake up Saturday morning with an urge to flush your system a bit, come join us.
Details for the “Run Rudolph Run” can be found at the LeftRightRepeat’s Website, the Event Facebook Page, or the Race Registration page. This is a family friendly fun event that begins at the Borough Municipal Building on Allen Street in Downtown State College and winds its way through the streets of State College before returning to the Municipal Building.

The weather forecast calls for sunny and crisp weather, perfect for a costumed fun run. We will be awarding numerous prizes. The event will be official times with age group prizes awarded. We’ll also be handing out several awards for best outfits, so everyone has a chance to win something.