Author Archives: SantaLar
Just 8 days until Santas in Shorts
The Social has a drink special planned
Santas In Shorts Shirts
Keep your eye out for this
Help me decide what to wear.
Yes Virginia

Santas in Shorts is definitely creating a buzz among Santa Crawlers. Announcement of the event has spurred several inquiries regarding whether we will be holding a State College Santa Crawl in 2021. The answer to that is a very definitive Continue reading Yes Virginia
Don Ho-Ho-Ho

I must admit that one of my inspirations for the Santas In Shorts event was Don Ho-Ho-Ho, one of my top ten favorite Santa Crawlers (a special thank you to Tom Hughes for creating this wonderful character and regularly showing Continue reading Don Ho-Ho-Ho
Santas In Shorts

Now that we have COVID on the run, I feel it’s time to get back to some sense of normality. While nothing will be able to replace the lost 2020 Santa Crawl, I’m hoping this will capture some of the Continue reading Santas In Shorts
17th Annual Santa Crawl on hold

It looks like COVID-19 can claim another victim. Last night the State College bprough council passed a temporary ordinance which effectively killed any chance we had of pulling off a Crawl this December. Following the lead of the Department of Continue reading 17th Annual Santa Crawl on hold