Category Archives: News
Santas crawl all over State College

Some nice publicity for the Santa Crawl from the Centre Daily Times. They caught up with as at the Cafe on Saturday night. Every year Olaf seems to catch everyone’s fancy. I swear he spends half the evening posing for Continue reading Santas crawl all over State College
Santaquin Challenge

I thought this was going to be a longshot to pull off but you guys came through in spades. A couple of jamokes at the beginning that I maybe should have edited out and one oblivious damsel in the middle Continue reading Santaquin Challenge
It’s Crawl Day!

Santa Crawl Saturday kicked off with the annual “Run Rudolph Run” as 80+ intrepid souls braved chilly temps to get the day rolling. Although the temps were in the 20’s the sunny weather made it seem quite comfortable for the Continue reading It’s Crawl Day!
“Run Run Rudolph” by Ted and the Hi-Fi’s
Just a little reindeer music to remind you that it’s not too late to sign up for the 2nd Annual “Run Rudolph Run” 5K Run/Walk that kicks off Santa Crawl Saturday at 9 am tomorrow. The race starts at the Continue reading “Run Run Rudolph” by Ted and the Hi-Fi’s
Who’s up for a Santaquin challenge?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve undoubtedly heard of the mannequin challenge where people stand frozen in time, mannequin like, as a song, typically Rae Stremmurd’s “Black Beatles”, plays in the background. SantaDave came up with the brilliant Continue reading Who’s up for a Santaquin challenge?
18 Things Worth Knowing About The Santa Crawl

1. We’re not just a bar crawl, we’re a fund raiser We raise money for the Pat Boland Memorial Internship Fund. The Boland Fund is run by the Penn State College of Communications and is designed to award grants to Continue reading 18 Things Worth Knowing About The Santa Crawl
“Santa Crawl Is Coming To Town”
Newbies Guide to the Santa Crawl

The explosive growth that the Crawl has experienced means that we have scores of new people showing up every year. It’s worth taking a few moments to understand what the Crawl is all about, so here’s my list of hints Continue reading Newbies Guide to the Santa Crawl
SantaBA on the air this morning

SantaBA will be making the rounds of the Forever Broadcasting stations this morning beginning at 8:30 am updating the radio audiences with our Santa Crawl plans. Forever Broadcasting was the longtime employer of the late Pat Boland, whose name we Continue reading SantaBA on the air this morning