Category Archives: News
Crawl Wrist Bands

While the offical wrist band that gains you entry into the pubs will still be a Tyvek event band, we are going to also provide every contributor (or at least until my supply of 600 runs out) with a Livestrong Continue reading Crawl Wrist Bands
Heard on Twitter
Santa Crawl On Foursquare
Photo Galleries

I’ve uploaded all of my photos from past Santa Crawls (still working on 2011 though). They are reachable through the menu in the upper right hand corner but I thought announcing publication of the galleries was worth a post of Continue reading Photo Galleries
Goon Show Plug

Keith “The Goon” Conlin and his partner Tim Sweeney gave the Santa Crawl a big plug on The Goon Show last Thursday night. Keith has been a Santa Crawl regular, and he’ll be there in full force this year. He Continue reading Goon Show Plug
On the radio

A little birdie told me that WRSC’s Morning Guys, Kevin Nelson and Jeff Byers, were talking about the Santa Crawl on their Monday morning show. A special Thank You shout out to the two of them for helping us get Continue reading On the radio
Our Charity Partner

All monies raised during the State College Santa Crawl go to the Pat Boland Memorial Internship Award, a fund set up at Penn State to aid Penn State College of Communications students when they go out on internships. Pat was Continue reading Our Charity Partner
Concerned about cover charges?

Have we got a deal for you! Once again, Santa Crawl organizers have come to the rescue. We’ve got a one charge covers all offering for you. Santa Crawl participants will be able to purchase wristbands that will gain them Continue reading Concerned about cover charges?
Facebook Events Page

Just a reminder to all that we do have a Facebook event scheduled. I found Facebook one of the easiest ways to let my friends know about the event. So head on over to the event page and invite your Continue reading Facebook Events Page