Thank you WJAC
Santa Crawl Checklist
I thought it might be helpful to add a list of things to do and enjoy while you’re making the rounds tonight. I was going to call this a bucket list but then I got worried that someone might try Continue reading Santa Crawl Checklist
Hugely Successful Start to the Day
The rainy weather held off just long enough for us to get the 5th Annual Run Rudolph Run 5K Run/Walk in. We had over 100 runners participate (specific winners will be posted on Left/Right/Repeat website later). The outfits were absolutely Continue reading Hugely Successful Start to the Day
It’s Crawl Day
First festivities start in a little under two hours (9 am). Come join us for “Run Rudolph Run”. We have over 100 signed up and accept walk-up entries. In the meantime, enjoy this little jingle by my favorite local Continue reading It’s Crawl Day
It was four years ago tonight – Dec 13, 2015
At just about this time (5 pm) that Champs Downtown opened their doors for the very first time. They had been targeting the Santa Crawl as their opening night for a long time but kept running into hurdles that the Continue reading It was four years ago tonight – Dec 13, 2015
Can’t wait until 8 pm? How about a pre-Crawl?
While the official start remains 8 pm at Cafe 210, Primanti’s, Federal Taphouse, and Doggies, both the Cafe and Primanti’s will be hosting pre-Crawl parties starting at 6 pm. When I started showing up for the Crawl a few minutes Continue reading Can’t wait until 8 pm? How about a pre-Crawl?
SantaLar’s Top Ten Santa Crawlers
Through the years, I’ve seen some absolutely wonderful outfits and have finally decided to list my personal favs. Some of them are quite complex, others are wonderfully simple. There’s nothing specific that I can put my finger on that makes Continue reading SantaLar’s Top Ten Santa Crawlers
How Not to Do the Santa Crawl.
John Oliver makes some absolutely valid points in this riff on SantaCon events like the Santa Crawl. But obviously he’s not seen how we run ours. Let me counter a couple of his objections. Oliver comes down hard on Hoboken, Continue reading How Not to Do the Santa Crawl.
Newbies Guide to the Santa Crawl
The explosive growth that the Crawl has experienced means that we have scores of new people showing up every year. It’s worth taking a few moments to understand what the Crawl is all about, so here’s my list of hints Continue reading Newbies Guide to the Santa Crawl