I wanted to raise over $7000, so we could say that we topped last year. We sailed past that.
I had hoped that we could raise $8000, so we could reach $15,000 total over the last two years. We made it with ease.
I thought we had a chance at $10,000, so we could claim to be a five figure contributor to charity. Not a problem.
I never expected us to make $13,000, which would bring our five year total to $30,000 raised for the Boland Fund. Somehow we managed to do that.
I couldn’t have dreamt that we’d hit $14,000, which doubled our $7000 raised last year. But we did.
Our current tally is $15,056. And that’s without yet adding in the monies from “Run Rudolph Run”, which will add several hundred more.
A very big Thank You to all you Santas who participated. Pat yourselves on the back – and spread the word.