Oscar Wilde once wrote “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery . . .” If that’s true, I’m doubly flattered.

It appears that there are two organizations other than us promoting a State College Santa Crawl. LineLeap will be conducting theirs on December 2nd. PubCrawls.com, by way of EventBrite, is planning one for December 9th from 1-8 pm. I want all to know that we are not affiliated with either of those groups.
I’m all for anyone getting out and celebrating the holidays with a pub crawl, so I wish both of these organizations well. However, I think it’s important to know that if you choose to participate in either of these, the contribution you make will NOT be going to any charity much less to the Pat Boland Fund, which we supported in the past.
As far as our plans go, I’ve decided not formally organize a Santa Crawl any longer. Attendance was down significantly post COVID and it’s no longer worth the effort. That said, I am personally going to continue to celebrate. I’ll be out in full Santa regalia on Saturday Dec 9th, starting at Antifragile Brewing Company around 8 pm. Anyone who would like to join me is quite welcome.
Have a Merry Crawl – SantaLar