New name, new management, but same atmosphere. If you were worried that the closing of the Skeller this past January was going to end the string of 14 straight years where the Crawl had landed in the old basement bar on Pugh, you can put your fears to rest.
SantaLar has been in touch with the new management team and they plan on wholeheartedly embracing the Santa Crawl. I’ve been told that they have major plans for holiday celebrations and the Crawl will be right in the thick of things. Can’t wait to see what they come up with.
By the way, when I see pictures from Doggie’s, I feel like I’m playing the “Spot the Difference” picture game when I compare it to old Skeller photos. There are some subtle differences but, for the most part, they’ve kept the feel about the place.
Take a look for yourself.

Everything looks pretty familiar, doesn’t it?